Team performance and leadership personality

If you want to achieve a lot, you need a high-performance team. It is obvious that it is not enough to bring good experts together to build a top team. But what is necessary to create a strong and successful team? What transforms a regular team into a high-performance unit?

This training provides teams and managers with a structured approach that enables them to validate the skills and competencies of a team and identify new potentials for improvement - sharply focused and yet respectful. 

In addition, the focus lies on what is most important for performance alongside the team's capabilities: How effective is the leadership team? Effective in a very individual way in interaction with the team. Managers get to know themselves in new ways and gain valuable insights into their very individual way of effectiveness.

Target audience: top management / management / teamsDuration: 1-2 days, depending on depth required
Organization: offsite or in-house

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