Business Journey
In October 2007 I got a short message from my former boss: "Go to Bremen and visit the Weser Stadium. We might build a solar system on the roof there". At that time my professional experience was 2 months and the coming years should be a steep learning curve.
So my first major project was the world's largest building-integrated solar system on a soccer stadium. Since then I have accompanied, supported and managed many projects for EWE AG in Oldenburg. Strategic projects for the further development and focus of the company, projects in the municipal and political environment, M&A projects and research projects. Especially the research project enera with 33 consortium partners and a total volume of around 170 million Euro has had a lasting impact on my way of leading projects and teams.
Currently I am head of the digital business development of the Digital Factory at EWE AG. Our focus there is the development of cloud-based B2B software products for the energy and telecommunications industry in agile and interdisciplinary structures.
Coaching journey
My career as a coach and trainer started in 2010 with a communication seminar at Janus in Bavaria. There I got personal feedback that caught me cold. I could not explain to myself why I appeared completely different to some people than I see myself.
That didn't let go of me and I experienced a certified personality-centered coaching training at Janus over several years, which developed me exponentially both personally and methodically.
Today I combine my practical experience in business with this knowledge and experience as a trainer and coach. I am strongly convinced that training and coaching can only be successful if the trainer knows the working and living reality of his partners.
Startup journey
Since two years I am also an entrepreneur and managing partner of the company RechnungsWunder. There we solve the complexity of dental accounting with artificial intelligence.
I enjoy my role as founder because it gives me freedom and also challenges that cannot be experienced in the corporate world.